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Our Location

( Mittal Diagnostic & Research Center )


Opp.Eden Garden Benquet Hall,Kishanpur Tiraha,
Ramghat Road Aligarh (U.P ) -202001

Ph. : 0571 -2741455

Mob. : 0571 -2741455


Adopting latest techniques, employing highly skilled professionals and
introducing latest state of art equipment

  • Whole body multi-slice spiral CT

    Spiral multidetector CT uses multiple detectors during continuous motion of the patient through the radiation beam to obtain fine detail images in a short exam time. (more…)

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  • 1.5 Tesla High Definition MRI

    One of the centre to offer comprehensive Neuro and cardiac imaging MRI services and a slew of advanced MRI techniques including contrast angiography.


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  • High resolution ultrasound

    Ultrasound of small parts, orbits and vessels providing extremely fine images for accurate diagnosis Performed on any of the ultrasound machine.


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Mittal Diagnostic & Research Centre in India with a focus on providing quality preventive healthcare services at affordable costs.

  • Digital X-Ray

    Computed radiography (CR) cassettes use photo-stimulated luminescence screens to capture the X-ray image, instead of traditional X-ray film. The CR cassette goes into a reader to convert the data into a digital image. (more…)

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  • CT-Angiography

    Computed tomography angiography (CTA) uses an injection of iodine-rich contrast material and CT scanning to help diagnose and evaluate blood vessel disease or related conditions, such as aneurysms or blockages.


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  • 3D/4D Ultrasound

    3D and 4D ultrasounds use sound waves to create an image of your baby in your womb. What’s different is that 3D ultrasounds create a three-dimensional image of your baby, while 4D ultrasounds create a live video effect (more…)

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  • 1.5 Tesla High Definition MRI

    One of the centre to offer comprehensive Neuro and cardiac imaging MRI services and a slew of advanced MRI techniques including contrast angiography of the peripheral vessels, perfusion and other functional neuro studies.


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Health and Medical

Mittal Diagnostic & Research Centre in India with a focus on providing quality preventive healthcare services at affordable costs.

  • pic of the day

    Cerebral aspergilloma mimicking as Tumoural lesion: A rare presentation of fungal lesion and diagnostic dilemma.


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  • case of the month

    Intra-thoracic Idiopathic spinal cord herniation diagnosed with MRI and CT Myelography studies


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  • Case of the week

    Ectopic insertion of bilateral ureters with proximal hydro-uretero-nephrosis


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Per Month

Meet Our Team

A dedicated team with an exceptionally educated background: Simple, clear solutions require not only imagination and
flair, but also the courage to try new directions.


In the year 1989, a young doctor started his own practice in a small town about a new diagnostic modality called ultrasound. This was a time when the common perception of a radiologist was that of one who reads only X-Rays. He began changing that inception with his precise skill set and hard work.

Over the years he was able to successfully build a team of highly skilled and dedicated imaging specialists, who were equally passionate about their work. The entire team strives for perfection and provides the highest level of diagnostic care to patients, rich and poor alike. The reliability and authenticity of the quality of work done are borne out by the fact that doctors and their families usually prefer to get their own scans done at these centres.

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Read the latest news, updates and posts from the Mittal Diagnostic team.


Mittal Diagnostic centre has been one of the "keystones" of medicine and we offer our patients world-class Imaging and Pathology services because their well-being is of the utmost importance to us

Advanced cross sectional imaging

Includes CT and MRI scan which enables us to detect a wide arrey of medical diseases in a short fraction of time thereby helps in proper planning and management. We @ MDRC provide (more…)

Cardiac Imaging

A variety of clinical presentations including dyspnoea, chest pain, syncope and palpitations may arouse suspicion of cardiovascular disease. Following a clinical history and examination, imaging of the heart may be required. (more…)

Orthopaedic Imaging with 3D RECON

X sectional imaging with the ability to provide a real 3D imaging with the help of MPR, VRT, MPO etc like various software gives us an edge for accurate understanding of the pathology. (more…)

Infertility Imaging

With the help of advancement in medical field, there are wide array of imaging being done @ MDRC for past years.
We provide complete infertility (more…)

Interventional Radiology

Interventional radiology (IR), sometimes known as vascular and interventional radiology (VIR), is a medical specialty which provides minimally invasive image-guided diagnosis and treatment of disease. (more…)


Our Happy Doctors


Get in Touch With Us

Mittal Diagnostic has been one of the "keystones" of medicine and rightly so at SRL, we offer our patients world-class
Pathology services because their well-being is of the utmost importance to us

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